Running list of vendors...
Outdoor Gear
kenetrek.com for winter packs and western boots (hiking and hunting)
vortexoptics.com for reliable and economical optics. Excellent Wisconsin based company. Customer service!~
www.sierra.com for good deals on outdoor and field clothing. I buy most of my wool base layers here...
wsisports.com for Minnesota based performance clothing.
Dog Training Gear
drahthaar-addiction.myshopify.com for versatile dog training equipment and high quality gear
https://www.lcsupply.com Lion Country Supply for supplements, pigeon equipment, kennel collars, and the economical LCS launchers
https://www.uglydoghunting.com for versatile dog training equipment and high quality gear (some apparel)
Taxidermy Supplies
www.mountainmaterials.net for artificial rocks and wood
www.avianarts.com/avian-arts-bird-heads economical replica bird head manufacturer
shop.matuskataxidermy.com for Corey Caruthers heads and some unique items like Pan Pastels
www.mckenziesp.com For Smith bird bodies and supplies
www.vandykestaxidermy.com for bird eyes and supplies