Drop off or Shipping
Can receive specimens in person or via FedEx 2 day shipping. You will need to provide all information including hunting license numbers, permit or tag numbers etc. Shipping to the client is additional. A 50% deposit will be collected on drop off or shipping.
Current Bird Taxidermy Rates
Grouse (ruffed, sharptail, prairie chicken, huns etc.) basic $450.00
Grouse with extras (eye crests, artificial neck sacs) will be additional cost.
Quail $425.00
Woodcock $475.00
Pheasant $475.00
Puddle Ducks (all poses) $475.00
Sea Ducks (all poses) $525.00
White Geese and Cacklers $525.00
Canada Geese and Large Geese $600.00 (except CAGO Giant subspecies)
Crane (flying or standing) $700.00
Turkey (flying, standing, gobbling, strutting) $1,300.00
NOTE: Habitat or bases are additional, basic piece of driftwood starting at $30 extra. Shipping of finished work starts at $150 for custom crate and shipping fee.
I do accept properly permitted (Federal/USFWS and State) non-game birds:
Examples of Cost:
Great Grey and Great Horned Owls, Large Raptors: $500.00
Barred and Medium Owls, Raptors: $450.00
Saw Whet and other small owls/raptors: $400.00
Common Loon: $700.00
Most birds depend on size and difficulty to mount, contact for quote.

2024-25 Mammal Taxidermy Rates
Some examples for reference, call/write for quote:
Standard shoulder mount deer/pronghorn starting at $800.00
Wall pedestal mount deer/pronghorn starting at $900.00, custom finishing exposed edge may additional based on order.
Pedestal Mount deer/pronghorn starting at $1,000.00, base and finishing additional.
Shoulder mount bear starting at $850.00, $350 extra for open mouth.
1/2-3/4 Lifesize bear starting at $1,500.00, $350.00 additional for open mouth.
Lifesize Bobcat starting at $1,500.00, base/habitat work additional.
Lifesize Bear starting at $2,000.00, base/ habitat additional.
Rugs are by linear foot for all animals. E.g. bears ~$225/linear foot. Open mouth is and additional $350, minimum price applies for rugs (e.g. a smaller bear still takes the same work and the cost for tanning and materials is about the same, the only difference is the rugging cost).
Small mammals start at $250.00, call for quote.
Elk shoulder mount starting at $1,200.00, open mouth additional.
Call in advance of out of state hunting trip to discuss caping methods and legal transport laws. Antlered game are subject to movement restrictions that require brain etc. are removed prior to bringing the skull in state. Skulls that don't meet state transport laws will not be allowed in shop until they are in compliance.
If local, skinning and caping can be done in shop. Note that different units in Minnesota have different transport restrictions due to CWD.
Current Euro Mount Rates
Deer: $180.00 ($40 credit for mature cape in good shape)
Elk: $300.00
Moose: $400.00
Bear: $250.00
Smaller mammals call/write for quote.
Unlisted species call/write for quote.
2021 Advanced Instruction on Game Birds, Waterfowl and Turkeys with Artistic School of Taxidermy
2022 Shoulder Mount Training with Artistic School of Taxidermy
2022 Life Size Big Game Training with Artistic School of Taxidermy
2024 Advanced Habitat Training Flyway Taxidermy

Registered State of Minnesota Vendor!
Current turn around time is approximately 12 months.